Design Director
Murali is a Director at BOON and a FNZIA Fellow Member
Since making Aotearoa his home, Murali has been passionate about engaging with local iwi and hapu, gaining a confident understanding of nga tikanga o Taranaki and learning Te Reo Maori.
With over 30 years’ project experience is a lead Design Architect, specialising in master planning, civic, community and cultural, urban design, tourism and education projects, and having won numerous architectural and interior design awards across the country.
His key skills include facility planning and stakeholder consultation, organisation of design teams on large and complex projects, and delivery of high quality and fit-for purpose project outcomes.
With an eye for the dynamic, Murali pursues a unique style of New Zealand architecture “Our Buildings are often story tellers” says Murali, who often blurs the boundaries between media, interpretation, art, design and architecture.